Thursday, June 14, 2012


Dear Students,

We have come to the end of the semester and this is a brief note to bid you farewell. I would like to wish you the best in all your undertakings in the future. I hope you have enjoyed the reading class and the class blog. I must say that I am very happy you have learnt about blogging so quickly - I was just lucky to teach a group of
intelligent bloggers in my class. Once you leave the class you can still have access to the class blog and all the material and links provided for you. You are very welcome to keep your student blogs active if you wish.


  1. Thank you Anita, it was a pleaser to be one of your class students in this course. I appriciate the time and effort that you spent in teaching us. You are one of the best. Again I thank you.

    1. Dear Nada - I really enjoyed teachung you and being such a thorough and hardworking student I am sure will help to reach your goal. Thanks for acknowledging my work. Best of luck...

  2. "To teach is to touch a life for ever." Thank you for being a wonderful teacher. I really loved your class and learnt a lot. Once again, thank you so much for your time,expertise and patience.
